Sculptures by local artist are chosen for year-long display across the U.S.
McCook Gazette Jun 24, 2022
CAMBRIDGE, Neb. — For the next year, nine bronze sculptures by Cambridge artist Sondra L. Jonson will be on exhibit across the Midwest through May of 2023. Eight communities in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Kansas have selected Jonson’s art to be part of their year-long outdoor sculpture displays. Jonson’s iconic sculpture, “Rachel Weeping for Her Children,” originally created for the Fatima Shrine in Arapahoe, Neb., is now on display in Mankato, Minn. Her “American Farmer” is on exhibit in Mason City, Iowa. “American Farmer” was part of the Salina, Kansas, Sculpture Tour last year and was purchased by The Bank of Tescott in Salina. This year, Salina will feature Jonson’s bronze, “Once Upon a Time” which she originally created for the library in Cedar Springs, Mich. Jonson’s veterans memorial “Going Home,” a casting of which stands in Norris Park, will now be on display in Norfolk, Neb. In neighboring Madison, Neb., Jonson’s new sculpture “Poised for the Dance” is displayed outside the Madison Arts Center. Her bronze “Song of the Sandhill” and “The Story Hour” are now installed in Eau Claire, Wis., while her bronze “Garden Fairy” graces Watertown, S.D. Her new life-size sculpture, “The Calling,” is now on exhibit in Sioux Falls, S.D.
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