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Doors of Eternal Life

Doors of Eternal Life

This sculpture was created from 16 gauge sheets of bronze. Each of the 26 sections was hand cut, shaped and colored, then mounted to the steel doors. “Worshipers entering Resurrection Chapel move symbolically through life's spiritual journey of Baptism, Eucharist, death and the after life.” The “Doors of Eternal Life,” adorned with Jonson's beautiful sculpture of a rising sun, are opened only at funerals to walk a sister's casket through to the convent cemetery.

Dimensions: Height - 7'

Material: Bronze

  "Id": 1969,
  "Name": "Doors of Eternal Life",
  "Url": "/sculptures/christian-sculptures/doors-of-eternal-life",
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  "ParentId": 2602,
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  "ParentName": "Christian Sculptures",
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  "ReleaseDate": "2020-03-05T01:00:00",
  "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-12T07:00:00",
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  "Description": "

This sculpture was created from 16 gauge sheets of bronze. Each of the 26 sections was hand cut, shaped and colored, then mounted to the steel doors. “Worshipers\n entering Resurrection Chapel move symbolically through life's spiritual journey of Baptism, Eucharist, death and the after life.” The “Doors of Eternal\n Life,” adorned with Jonson's beautiful sculpture of a rising sun, are opened only at funerals to walk a sister's casket through to the convent cemetery.\n

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