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Caring for One Another

Caring for One Another

“Caring for One Another” was commissioned in the loving memory of Francis Nilsson and is displayed outside of the Francis Nilsson Daycare Center at the Hill Crest Nursing Home in McCook, NE.

This memorial portrait, created from photographs of Frances Nillson.

Dimensions: Height - 33"

Material: Bronze

  "Id": 1963,
  "Name": "Caring for One Another",
  "Url": "/sculptures/family-sculptures/caring-for-one-another",
  "Url_List": [
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  "ReleaseDate": "2020-03-05T01:00:00",
  "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-12T07:00:00",
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  "Description": "

“Caring for One Another” was commissioned in the loving memory of Francis Nilsson and is displayed outside of the Francis Nilsson Daycare Center at the\n Hill Crest Nursing Home in McCook, NE.


This memorial portrait, created from photographs of Frances Nillson.

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