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The American Farmer

The American Farmer

“The American Farmer,” a three-quarters life-size bronze. It is Jonson’s testament to the strength, sacrifice, and intelligence of the American farmers. Living in rural Nebraska, Jonson has developed a deep respect for these men whose livelihood is at the mercy of the elements, and on whose production rests the foundation of our economy. In “The American Farmer,” Jonson portrays the farmer as a thinker and planner, also a man of action and hardiness, and a man who is unpretentious and generous—in other words, a man of great character.

The model for this sculpture was a local farmer.

  "Id": 2006,
  "Name": "The American Farmer",
  "Url": "/sculptures/family-sculptures/the-american-farmer",
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  "ParentId": 2606,
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  "ParentName": "Portrait Sculptures",
  "ParentUrl": "/sculptures/portrait-sculptures",
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  "ReleaseDate": "2020-03-05T01:00:00",
  "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-12T07:00:00",
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  "Description": "

“The American Farmer,” a three-quarters life-size bronze. It is Jonson’s testament to the strength, sacrifice, and intelligence of the American farmers.\n Living in rural Nebraska, Jonson has developed a deep respect for these men whose livelihood is at the mercy of the elements, and on whose production\n rests the foundation of our economy. In “The American Farmer,” Jonson portrays the farmer as a thinker and planner, also a man of action and hardiness,\n and a man who is unpretentious and generous—in other words, a man of great character.


The model for this sculpture was a local farmer.

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