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Frontier Vision

Frontier Vision

The Pioneer Woman

The strength of her family, the pioneer woman faces the desolate prairie, as she faces her future. She and her family will dedicate their lives to the taming and cultivating of this land. They will make it a home for future generations. The child was modeled from the artist’s son.

Dimensions: Height - 12"

  "Id": 1974,
  "Name": "Frontier Vision",
  "Url": "/sculptures/family-sculptures/frontier-vision",
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  "ReleaseDate": "2020-03-05T01:00:00",
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The strength of her family, the pioneer woman faces the desolate prairie, as she faces her future. She and her family will dedicate their lives to the taming and cultivating of this land. They will make it a home for future generations. The child was modeled from the artist’s son.

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